Thursday, July 07, 2005


Sigh. One day after London's joy of winning the Olympic bid and this. It makes me sad.

Meanwhile, in Allegheny county...someone's been busy.

I got the TerraTools 3.0 brochure done (stayed a bit late; I've worked two nine hour days in a row), which felt like an accomplishment. It was the first major thing I feel like I've done for the company, which is nice.

Last night we had a get-together in honor of Effion. It was nice, even if people did seem to get a bit distracted from the primarily reason we were gathered. We watched the finale of Beauty and the Geek later in the night. Mike Yin TiVoed The Cut for us, because he's nice. Aaron and Connor fooled around with a mole trap, and finally put it together when Mike found the instructions online.

I think it would be funny if I made a flash video of the picture of Kwasi dancing hopping around to "I'll Be Missing You." I thought of that last night.


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