Thursday, November 17, 2005


Katie's two siblings have celebrated birthdays since I last posted, so happy birthday to Tracy and Peder! Peder's 21!

In technology news, I'm excited for Gaim 2.0, because it's supposed to have video and audio chat support, meaning I won't have to go to Skype or Yahoo! Messenger separately for those. I also found Mercora today, which I've started using to listen to my music collection at work - it's not terribly well documented, as I can't figure out how to confirm a friend, but it's simpler and cleaner interface makes it easier to use than SlimServer. What's more, it plug into Google Talk, which helps me transition to my next topic.

In Google taking over the world news, Google has had a busy past few weeks. They announced/released Google Base, Google Analytics, got permission to cover Mountain View with Wi-Fi, and seem to be pushing through the newly christened Google Book Search despite those fierce publishing critics.

In personal news, Katie and I have gone to Nico's two weeks in a row now, and we even sang there last Saturday night (me voluntarily, Katie...not so much). I bought another $300 worth of computer goods on NewEgg this week in another attempt to get that media center/PVR/TiVo living room computer in the next week. With three people coming to visit us for Thanksgiving, it would be nice to clear up some of the clutter (most of which is my fault) that's scattered around our apartment.

It snowed very lightly and very briefly this morning, but it snowed, which means winter has started its grip on this fine city of ours. It also means that the Thanksgiving football game I have planned might be played in the icy tundra.

Maybe I'll audition for some local Pittsburgh improv troupe or dinner theatre. I miss theatre. I also miss team sports, although I don't think I realized it when I played them. Are there any indoor team sports people would want to play when the winter rolls around? Volleyball? Bowling league?


Blogger Brian said...

You know I'm so in for a bowling league. Can Katie be captain? She's quite good at organizing things. Oh, and we need a corporate Sponsor So we can make
t-shirts with puns about the sponsor's business.

Unrelatedly, I am am writing this with a tablet PC!

3:07 AM  

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