Tuesday, December 20, 2005

500 words or less

I never think that giving you the first sentence of each month's post really gives you a feel for my year in review.

So, instead, I plugged all the words I wrote on this blog in the year 2005 into Microsoft Word, made it chug through the AutoSummarize tool, and told it to reveal to me a succint summary (500 words or less) of my year's blogging. Here is the brilliant result:

Mike Yin

4. Katie, for still loving me

13. Away (rent, food, and games mainly)

15. Katie - just in general

16. Making out with Katie

19. Summer/Thanksgiving with Katie

29. Christmas with Katie (and a job...yet)

29b. Katie

35. Katie

38. About time, eh?


Fried platter time!

Big surprise.

Funny at times. I'll be lucky if they call me back. S'n'S lost a little bit of the dungeon. I like board games. Drive around. Eat.

I'm working at TerraSim...
I'm going to buy Mike Yin's car! Right. Katie and I are going to eat there tomorrow. I've never eaten at one before.

Oh well. Oh well. I proposed to Katie Dahl. Document stuff.
Eat lunch.
Go home.

Exciting! This past Sunday, I drove me, Katie, Mike Yin, and Alex Grubb out to Cleveland (well, Bedford), Ohio to play Whirlyball. Back to work!

If you dare.

In life, work goes well, and home life goes well. Whatta weekend. I bought a game called ICO on Saturday and I beat it on Sunday. I sat at home and played ICO. I did yogalates with Katie this weekend, but I'm not sure if that's my style. 3. "Mahna Mahna" from the Muppets; Katie sings this all the time. na na na na na na na, ne na na na na naaa.

Oh well. Katie bought a 5 lb. bag of gummi worms. Read or watch?
Katie made an apple pie that was delicious.

why i love working here

We'll see if they're still there when I leave work today.


Good call.

Yesterday was nice.

If only I sounded like David Sedaris

This weekend turned out pretty well. I ate mine, and Greg's ate him. Remember last time? Oh well. This weekend was fun, if low-key. We came back home, and Katie played Mario Kart and Super Monkey Ball with us before I then made Mike Yin play every single multiplayer PS2 game I own. Meng (Katie's high school friend) was here last weekend. Oh well. Shadow isn't a game for everyone. Who would like this game? A man's got to eat.

I stayed at home and played a bunch of games while Katie worked. Saturday was Katie's birthday, though. The game sucked hardcore. Nintendogs is a nice game. I could work my way through all 17 Pokemon games before breaking down and buying the new Castlevania DS game. Friday night, while Katie toiled away at City Theatre, I watched Serenity at the Waterfront with Mike Yin. We ate lunch and played a massive game of Chrononauts that Theresa won because Mike Yin's treachery knows no bounds. Later that night, Katie and I watched more Desperate Housewives and, unrelatedly, became sick.

We played football again this past Saturday. Afterwards, we played games again. Probably eating salmon.

Thursday, Katie's brother (Peder) arrived and we watched the parade, ate Chinese food, and played some video games. Saturday, Katie's sister (Tracy) arrived, and we ate food. Katie and her sister went wedding dress shopping.

There you go, folks. Some of it is almost nonsensical, but if you look hard enough, there's some absolutely sublime writing in that summary. Good job, Microsoft!

I'll be in Portland, Oregon on Christmas. Happy holidays, everyone.


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