Friday, May 14, 2004

Sad? Sad.

Well. I'm still up.

Katie's back in Portland (or at least somewhere in the stretch between Seattle and Portland) right now. I miss her already. Despite how much I tell myself that I can't be sad every time I'm not with her, it doesn't really work. Sure, I had fun watching a movie with the freshmen (I guess, sophomores now) S'n'S folk in my house. Sure, I had fun playing video games with Aaron and Yin. But it's all sort of hollow. It's all missing something.

The ride back on the 28X was less than satisfactory. These annoying high school kids sat around and behind me and talked the entire time about getting drunk. Whee.
And I just realized that my air conditioner is leaking. I heard a little drip drip sound and looked and lo and behold - water! All up on my grill. Or, more specifically, all down near an electrical outlet. Sigh.

I hope my on-campus working for money job gets settled soon. Money isn't exactly tight, but it's getting there, especailly since I had to put rent & a security deposit down on my new apartment already. Hopefully, the S'n'S reimbursements will come soon, too.

I subscribed to netflix for the summer. Go me. Go DVDs. I bought 4 DVDs recently too. I'm a sick buying machine.

I guess I'll go to sleep now because I have to be at work in less than 8 hours. Only a half day tomorrow, although I don't really mind going in to WQED. I hope my air conditioner gets better. Poor thing. I'm going to look up leaky air conditioners on google and see what it says to do. Google is always so smart.


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