wasting away again
Bah on me for not posting the past few days. They have been filled with dorky games. There's a barbeque going on at my house this afternoon/tonight, which I guess I'm kind of obligated to go to (since I, well, live there).
My computer doesn't connect to the internet at present because there was a huge storm (that's what I've been told; I slept through it entirely) that knocked out our service. Good thing I'm moving soon. So anyway, this post is being made from the S'n'S office.
There have been storms this whole past week, full of thunder and lightening. And then today, it's a beautiful balmy day of 70some degrees. Go figure.
I keep losing to Tarnow at Lord of the Rings (while kicking his ass at everything else). But it's still disappointing. I'll beat him some day. Hopefully today.
I also keep buying stuff, which I should try to curb. Although I will be getting some more money soon (both from the soon to be disappearing APAA and my hopefully being hired by Computing Services), I still feel bad spending as much and as frivilously as I do.
Next weekend, I'll be in New Jersey from Thursday afternoon until Tuesday morning. So that'll be nice. I'll get to see my mom and do something with her. My dad's in China right now. Katie's going to be driving from somewhere a little southwest of here to somewhere a little northeast of here (here=Pittsburgh), and so she'll be stopping by at Pittsburgh for a day or so. Hopefully, it'll be a day that I'm actually here in Pittsburgh. We'll see if the Fates smile on us. Or if they spit.
I think I finally realized just how much time I have each day to do things and how much time I waste watching movies and playing games. I could certainly be doing lots of good reading and/or lots of good writing. Anyway, my projects for this summer include writing a good full length play that I can propose next year in S'n'S, writing a backstory for a Chinese superhero comic book kind of thing, and reading everything I didn't finish this school year. I really should be doing more with my life. Maybe I'll try and get people in Pittsburgh together to do an outdoor self-directed short play or something. That would be fun.
Oh, and I bought this card game where you bake pizzas. It's called Mamma Mia! Mamma Mia! (the musical) is also coming to Pittsburgh; tickets go on sale in a few days. Coincidence? Probably.
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